Thursday, December 4, 2008

Week 19

Week 19! Almost half way there!! Well it's 6 days away from the big ultasound now! We're so excited to find out! Hopefully the baby cooperates. So all you lurkers out there...what do you think? Boy or gir??

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Week 18

Well week 18 has arrived and that puts us 2 weeks away from the big ultrasound! :) I'm so excited and I really hope the baby cooperates and shows us the goods. I would be incredibly disappointed if we walk out of their not knowing what we're having :( . Nothing has really changed. I'm still experiencing the round ligament pain but I don't really think i've gotten any bigger. I've gained about 3 or 4 pounds so far so I guess i'm right on target with that.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Week 17

Well it's week 17 now :)
The baby is as big as a turnip, onion, large pear, or the size of your hand. I think I grew a little bit but not much.

I had to take out my regular belly ring yesterday and switch to my pregnancy one. I hope it lasts though my whole pregnancy. I'm really attached to it and if it closes up I won't get it re pierced.

So the ultrasound is 20 days away! I can't wait to find out if we're having a boy or a girl. I can't wait to finish the registry and to start buying baby stuff and decorating the nursery!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Week 16

Well it's week 16 now. No real changes to mention yet. My belly still looks the same as you can see.
My ultrasound is scheduled for December 10 at 2:15. I am so excited! It will be right at 20 weeks. Now I just pray the baby shows it's goods. I can't imagine waiting all this time and then not even be able to see if the baby is a boy or a girl. One exciting development for the baby this week is the development of bones in it's ears or something like that. What that means is the baby can actually hear voices and sounds now. That's so amazing to think about. Now I can't wait to feel movement!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Week 15

Well it's week 15 now and I have a doctor appointment today. I'm so excited because I get to schedule my next appointment at this one. I can't wait to see when we get to find out the sex. I'm really hoping to get them talked into letting me do it the first week on December but I'll settle on the second week too. I just don't want to wait all the way to 21 weeks. I know it doesn't seem that far away but I was hoping to be able to tell people at little more in advance of Christmas. I'm excited because the UMS craft fair is this weekend. Every year my mom and I go and every year we see the baby blankets that people have made and are selling and I've always wanted one. I'm hoping to find one that is neutral enough since we don't know the sex yet (even though I sear it's a boy). This will officially be my first baby purchase! Well my belly looks pretty much the same as it did at 13 and 14 weeks. Today at the doctor's office they are measuring it?! Whatever that means.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Week 14

So week 14. No real changes. Belly may have gotten slightly bigger. I forgot to take the picture yesterday so I will take it tonight. I'm anxiously awaiting my appointment next week because I'll get to schedule the big ultrasound. I'm hoping to talk my doctor into letting me do it at 19weeks rather than at 21 when he usually does it. At 21 weeks it will be a week before Christmas and I would love to find out the first week in December so we shall see. In other news yesterday was Doug's birthday. Didn't do anything special. Tonight I'm bringing home White Castle though! I'm so excited!! I've been craving this for a long time now. His birthday just gives me an reason to stop, lol.
So I love the bump. I'm on there all day. I love all the info and advice I can pick up from there. The newest thing I learned about was vinyl wall quotes. If I can talk Doug into it I really want this one If anyone is interested the website is

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week 13

Well it's week 13 and i'm feeling pretty good. They say the second trimester is the easiest so i'm looking forward to feeling good and having more energy for a while. So I searched online yesterday for crib bedding and found both boy and girl crib bedding. If it's a boy it will be farm decor.

And if it's a girl the decor will be pink, green, and yellow.

And last but not least the 13 week belly picture.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Week 12

Well it's week twelve now and Baby Compton is the size of a plum this week :) I've been taking weekly pictures of my belly since 9 weeks to send my mom. I took the 12 week picture yesterday and man do I look big! I guess it's a combo of bloat and my belly actually growing.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Week 11

Well It's week 11 now and no big changes yet. The ultrasound went good. We saw the baby and heard the heart beat :) The baby was right on track measuring 10 weeks 1 day with no change in the due date which is still April 29th. The next appointment is November 6th. The December appointment is when we get to find out the sex :) I can't wait! Well tomorrow is my birthday and we're having a house warming party. I get to spend my day off cleaning! What fun! There is a ton of cleaning that needs to be done because I haven't really done a deep clean since we moved it. It's pretty gross cleaning up someone elses mess! But it will be worth it. I'm so excited to show off our new house and have fun with our friends. It's a nice feeling to be able to have ppl over. When we lived in the apartment I was ashamed to have ppl over because of the pet smell and how the house itself looked on the outside.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

10 Weeks!

Well today is the beginning of week 10!! Tomorrow is the first ultrasound and Doug and I are so excited. I think i'm most excited for him to get to see the baby. I've had this little life growing inside me and had the joy of experiencing everything. The pregnancy is really starting to feel real to me but I don't think Doug is to that point yet. Hopefully seeing this little life growing inside of me will help him get more excited about it all.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

All right I guess it's time for an update even though no one reads this stupid blog anyway. Well the cat is out of the bag....I'm pregnant. Actually 9 weeks pregnant today. I already feel like a big fatty! I don't know if it's possible but I look like I'm already showing. A lot of it is bloat but the bloat isn't all gone in the morning like it is for most. I still have a little bump in my lower abdomen come morning time. The first ultrasound in Oct 2nd and we're SO excited! I can't wait to see the baby and hopefully hear the heartbeat. It will make me feel so much better. I'm on the bump daily and I'm constantly reading about ppl who miscarry and who are having bleeding only to find out later that they have miscarried. It makes my so nervous. I just wish this first trimester was over so I could lessen the fear on miscarriage. I still desperately need to clean out the nursery. We still have boxes and some other junk stored in there from when we moved. I've already started a Target registry, lol. It's private so no one can see it though. I've go a lot of stuff on there already and I can't wait to add to the list. I can't wait till I can start buying stuff! Most of all I can't wait till we can find out what we're having!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Moving right along!

So not much new to report. Closing is still on track for Tuesday as far as I know. I will call on Friday if no one calls me to find out if everything is good to go. Last night I bought our refrigerator! I'm so excited about it! Nothing too special. Side by side, black, 26 cubic ft. I can't wait to use it. Never thought I'd get so excited about a refrigerator, lol.
I also bought curtains for the living room, and some bathroom stuff. I've decided on colors for most of the rooms. We're doing the master bath green, guest bath brown, bath downstairs maroon, living room green, haven't decided on a color for the master bedroom. I also haven't picked a color for the kitchen yet either.
So I took off Friday and I'm so glad I did. My day filled up fast. I have to take Kitty to the vet early morning for her hair cut. I have a dentist appointment in the morning also. Then that afternoon I have an exam thing for my life insurance. On top of all that I have to find time to pack more stuff. We have accumulated way more stuff than I thought we did. Just when I think I'v made progress in getting most stuff packed away I find more stuff that still needs to be packed. I really don't mind packing, it's the unpacking that I hate! I'm a horrible packer and I don't label the boxes very well and I end up using way more boxes than I need because I don't use all the available space.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

They moved our closing date!!

So our closing date is now September 2nd. I'm so excited! That's only 12 days from today!! Yesterday I called Rainbow to schedule a carpet cleaning. They will be coming out on September 5th to clean. I talked to my mom yesterday also and we've worked out a schedule to paint and move it. Since Doug hates to paint I expect to get ZERO help from him in this department which means I have to rely on my mom for help. So September 2nd after we close we will take one trips worth of boxes over. While we're there we will wipe down the walls and fill in the holes so that it's ready for paint on September 3rd. On the 3rd my dad is coming over to trim the ceiling and trim with paint. We will also take another load of boxes over. On the 4th I will start painting. My mom is either taking off work to help me or she will be coming over after work. Another load of boxes will come over with me that day also. By 8:15 on the 5th I need to be finished painting because Rainbow will be there to clean the carpets. It needs to dry for 24 hours so Saturday morning (6th) we will move in the rest of the stuff (mostly just furniture and any other big stuff). I can't wait to start decorating! I'm so excited to be able to put up curtains. At our apartment we've only ever had just blinds. It's going to be nice to actually have a nice space to decorate and put my personality into. It will be so exciting to actually have a place where people can come over! I think that is one of the things I'm most excited about :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Time for an update.

So we finally got our signed contract back last week Thursday and I sent it to the bank that same day. Now we have to find homeowners insurance and lock in a rate. All the blogs are saying float so we will probably stick with that advice since we are more than 30 days out. I've slowly begun to pack things we don't use. It's a very accomplishing feeling to get things packed and to see the apartment starting to get bare....It feels like the closing date is so far away when in reality it really isn't that far off. We have all our major appliances now except for the refrigerator. We won't buy that until right before we need it. Well tonight we're going to Brian and Kayla's rehearsal! I cannot wait for their wedding! It's going to be so fun. Plus I have an amazingly cute dress and awesome shoes to wear with it! I'm kinda glad I'm not pregnant yet because I get to drink. Originally I thought I would be pregnant and wouldn't be able to drink. So that's good news because Doug plans on drinking a lot and when he drinks a lot he gets REALLY annoying, lol. So when I'm drinking too I don't notice it near as much and I'm usually off doing my own thing. I have another ultrasound today at 4. I'm pretty positive they are going to tell me that the cyst is still there because I can feel it now. I can't feel it all the time but every once in a while it's a very uncomfortable feeling. When my doctor calls with the results I have to remember to ask her if having this cyst in my ovary increases my chances of having an ectopic pregnancy. I really hope not because that would be really disappointing to find out I'm pregnant and then find out they have to terminate the pregnancy :(

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Stupid Wells Fargo!

It's so frustrating working with Wells Fargo! We got our side of the papers signed and we have been waiting on their side for a week now. They finally get around to telling us that now they don't like our pre qualification letter. They want us to get a new one from the bank that states the dollar amount we are offering on the house and the address of the house. Well that's fine no big deal the bank has no problem writing that up but the fact that it took them a week to tell us is what really ticks me off! I'm fairly certain that they are purposely trying to drag the buying process out! I just want this whole thing to be done and over and I want to move in now! I guess in a way it's good that we have so much time. We don't have to buy everything all at once. So far we have bought a couch and love seat, a mattress, a dining room table, the light for the dining room, i committed to buy a washer and dryer and we will hopefully be picking it up on Saturday. Other than that we still have to buy a refrigerator, a fence for the back yard, Rock for the side of the house so Doug doesn't have to park on the street, and various other small things like shower curtains, toilet paper holders, and little shit like that...

Monday, August 4, 2008


This house stuff is starting to get exciting! We just bought a dining room table off Craig's List. I'm very impressed with it and I think we got a great deal. We even got a free queen headboard with it. Sunday I also went over to Ashley Furniture and bought a sofa, love seat, and mattress. Today I was searching Craig's list for a washer and dryer and I found one in St. Clair. So now we have to work out a time to pick that up. I'm going to talk to our realtor and hopefully we can just bring it right over to the new house. That would suck to pick it up from St. Clair, take it to Washington, and then bring it back over to St. Clair in a few weeks. Now the only big thing we have left to buy is a refrigerator. I already know what I want from Lowes. Hopefully they're running a sale between now and before we need it. I would hate to pay full price... I have already started packing up the small things and I have found myself throwing away a lot of things. I'm just so ready to move now! Hopefully we will get the final signed papers back today, tomorrow at the latest. If we don't get them back tomorrow we won't be able to go to the bank until next Tuesday because of all the fair stuff. Doug is going to be working a lot of hours this week and I can't wait for the paycheck!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We Got It!!!

They accepted our offer!! I'm so excited! Only thing that sucks is that they pushed off our closing date to mid September. Hopefully if we get our stuff done on our end they will try to get their stuff done quicker! The only thing we have to do before we move in is paint and have the carpets professionally cleaned. There are some other things I want to do but they can all be done once we've move in. I am so excited to start packing!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Is it Wednesday yet?!?!

The anticipation is killing me! I can't concentrate on anything. I hope we know news about our offer before Wednesday! I have a 6-8 page paper due on Sunday so I need to get started on it now but it's too hard to concentrate! I think we put in a very good offer that is very close to the asking price. Ken thinks we have a very good chance of getting the house. After we looked at it on Thursday only 3 other people looked at it. I've already started looking at furniture. I'm trying not to get my hopes up but I want the house so bad and we put in such a good offer. I'm really hoping the other offers that come in try to low ball it and they just take our offer! I wish Wednesday would hurry up and get here!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Monday's the day!!!

We LOVE the house!!! The street it's on is little to be desired. But all in all it's a great house! So since it's a foreclosure they have some stupid rule that you can't submit an offer until it's been on the market for 5 days. So that means we're submitting our offer on Monday!!! I'm so excited! It was actually listed a little wrong it actually has 3 bedrooms and 3 full baths! They started to finish the basement and it's looking really great! The back yard is big and it's plenty of room for Kitty to run and play! We're going back to look at it on Sunday with our parents just so they can see it before we put the offer in. We're offering very close to asking price and we may even decide to up our offer from what we decided last night to be even closer to their asking price so we have an even better chance of getting it. It all depends on how many people have looked at the house by then. It went on the market on Wednesday and we were only the second people who had looked at it. The only real things that need to be done are a good paint job and to have the carpets professionally cleaned. There are a few other things but they wouldn't need to be done right away. For some reason they stole the light fixture out of the dining room so I would like to replace that to match the rest of the fixtures and I believe the one in the master bath was stolen also. There are a few other things that need minor fixes but nothing major. It's only 2 years old so it really shouldn't need any major fixes. I am so insanely excited!!! I really, really hope we get it! Wish us luck!! :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Not for us...

So that house was a big piece of crap. Upon closer examination the outside was falling apart and it didn't look like any maintenance had ever been done on the house. The inside was a mess also. It had an in ground pool in the back yard though but it was disgusting! The whole house would have to be gutted and a major overhaul would need to be done on the outside. We would have to invest way too much time and money in it. So we're passing on that house. I do have to say though that the house did have a lot of potential if someone wanted to stick the time and money in it. It was probably an awesome house when it was first built. It very much reminded me of a house you would see on the HGTV show Hidden Potential. I love that show BTW! I did find a house that came onto the market in St. Clair today. It is well in our price range, plenty big for us and it's only 2 years old. We will probably go and look at it on Friday. I really want to look at the house on Michelle again to see how far they got on their bathroom renovations. Ken said yesterday that their realtor keeps asking him to bring us back over there because they really want to sell to us. So we could probably end up getting a pretty good deal. I just have to talk Doug into moving to St. Clair...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

At a stand still...

Well the house hunt is at a stand still. Doug doesn't think we can afford a house and I think we can so it has become really frustrating. So after work I'm going to Target to apply for a job. I really don't want to have to get a part time job but if that's what I have to do to prove to him we can afford a house then that is what I will do. What sucks is that it will take up all of what's left of my free time. But I'll be making money so I guess it's an alright trade off. He has finally found a job that he wants to apply for. So we shall see about that. I'm just tired of hearing him complain about his job. He needs a job where he is appreciated and that he actually likes. A foreclosed house came onto the market today and I really want to go see it. It is in Washington. It's 2035 sq ft, split foyer, with 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. It has two fireplaces and a 2 car garage. It looks massive and it's well in our price range. The description said it needs some TLC which means it's probably trashed inside. I figure it can't be any worse then the first house we looked at in union. That house was so disgusting! So I called Doug and he agreed to look at it so I called our realtor and he set it up for tonight. He said he thought it was really important to look at it as quickly as possible because of the price, location, and the fact that it is a foreclosure. So I'm really excited to see it. It's a little scary that there are no pictures of the inside but really how bad can it be...famous last words, lol :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Junk mail
This is such a great idea and i am definitely going to do it! I didn't even realize that you could tape a prepaid envelope to a box or basically whatever you want and the post office would mail it. So look out credit card companies, I'm going to mail you all my unused junk, lol.

Monday, July 7, 2008

The weekend

Not much to write about. The house hunt is very slow right now although the new house in Union is looking like more of a possibility. Ohh well I guess time will tell. Well this weekend was pretty fun. Thursday we went to Jason's, then Jacob's then Wendy's. I had way too much to drink and didn't end up drinking the rest of the weekend. Friday we went to Doug's family reunion in Gray Summit, then to Lowell and Sue's, then to Scott and Erin's. We went home fairly early...Saturday we went to Alyssa's. Towards the end of the night it got fairly eventful. Mike and Amy and some of their friends got caught by the water patrol so they all ended up coming back to Dan and Cindy's. They were all pretty trashed. I can't imagine why they got caught by the water patrol, lol. Sunday i kind of just laid around the house and went to Walmart. Doug did straw and didn't get home until late. I wish the weekend was here already and it's only MONDAY! Saturday we're going to Brian Maune's grandma and grandpa's 50th wedding anniversary and then hanging out with Jacob later on. But those are the only plans we have as of now.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

More on the house hunt...

So we looked at the house in Villa Ridge and it was definitely not what we were looking for not to mention the family that is currently living there let the house go to crap because it is being foreclosed on on Thursday. So the dumb asses put it on the market 4 days before it is set to be foreclosed on. Like they thought that was going to do any good?? So I'm stuck on a house we looked at in St. Clair. It was a few weeks back when we looked at it and I keep thinking about it. It has almost everything we want minus the fact that it is in St. Clair. It has 2 bedrooms (we wanted 3). It has 2 full baths (we wanted at least 1.5). It has a deck, a fenced in yard, and a 1 car garage (2 wanted a 2 car garage). It has a fairly big kitchen and all appliances stay minus the refrigerator, I'm assuming, but I'm hoping we can work it into the deal if we decide to make an offer. It has a full walkout basement and a hook up for a wood stove. It is slightly over our price range but we would offer 5% less which would fall into our price range. It is in a subdivision but it seems like a fairly nice and quite subdivision. It isn't that far off the interstate either. So here are some pictures.....

Monday, June 30, 2008

House hunting, the weekend, and babies

So I'm beginning to wonder if we are ever going to find a house! It is so frustrating looking and not finding anything. I guess we really haven't been looking for that long but it seems like an eternity already. The market has been kinda slow lately and not much has came on the market in our price range. I've been getting desperate and started to look in St. Clair. We have looked at a few in St. Clair but we haven't seen anything great that we would be willing to move to St. Clair for. One came on the market today in Villa Ridge but it only have 1 bathroom :(. We will still probably look at it though. Maybe it has the rough in downstairs for another...We will see. So this weekend was okay. Friday we went to Jacob's and watched the boys play a game they made up. They call it beer ball and it involves hitting skunk beer and filled plastic bottles with baseball bats and golf clubs...We didn't end up getting to bed until 5am because Robbie rolled his truck and Doug and the rest of the boys had to go pull him out. So it ended up being a fairly eventful night....Sucks for Robbie that he rolled his truck though... Well i'm still trying to get pregnant. Right now it's kind of a shot in the dark because I have no idea when I ovulate because of the messed up period and having 3 periods in 1 month. So if I haven't had a period by the middle of July i will test again and we will see!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

No luck so far...

Well we've been looking at more houses with no luck...Lately there hasn't really been a lot coming onto the market in our price range. On Friday we looked at two in Union and one in St. Clair. We liked the one in St. Clair but I think it was priced too high plus we don't really want to live in St. Clair. It would be our last resort if we absolutely couldn't find anything else. So on Friday Ken scheduled the appointments 1/2 hour apart. On the last house the selling agent had to be there because the people who own the house have a lot of electronics there. We were running way ahead of schedule so we were trying to kill some time. Well Ken's main business is buying lots, building houses, and selling them. He has a house he is building in Woodland Oaks in Union so he took us over to see it. He told us he would sell it to us for what he has in it which is a steal! This house is beautiful! It has 3 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. It is a split foyer and has hardwood floors, a two car garage, and it is full brick. I took lots of pictures but they are on my home computer so I will post them when I get home. We are strongly considering it because we know a deal like this will probably NEVER come along again. We are going to continue to look at other houses and in two weeks when Doug gets his other paycheck stub we are going to go to the bank and officially get approved for a loan to see how much they will actually loan us. We have a while to wait for the one Ken is building because it isn't even finished and he isn't in that big of a hurry inless of couse we say we want to buy it....

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We didn't get it :(

So we didn't get the house. We were the second highest bidders. They said if something falls through they would give us a call. I'm disappointed but in a way i'm kind of glad. I don't think the house had much resale so we wouldn't be able to sell it for much more than we bought it for. Everything happens for a reason though. I guess this just wasn't meant to be. I'm sure we will end up finding something even better. I was just so ready to move NOW. I'm ready to get out of our small apartment and have more space and a yard for Kitty. Ken said there is nothing to look at right now so we have to wait till something else comes on the market which is another disappointment that we can't start looking again right away. I guess we will continue to watch the other house in Union to see if he drops the price. Otherwise we will move on to something else....

Sunday, June 8, 2008

We put an offer in!!

Well we put an offer in on a house in Villa Ridge. It is a foreclosure and if we get it we will be getting a really good deal. I'm disappointed that there are at least 2 other offers in on it so our chances of getting it are considerably lower. It has a huge yard. It's almost an acre lot. It has 3 bedrooms and 1 bath with the rough in for another bathroom downstairs. The kitchen is updated so i'm excited about that. It already has a dishwasher, microwave, and water softner so that's exciting that we don't have to spend the money for those things. The neighbors seem really nice we talked to some of them. 2 of our neighbors are cops so it is a pretty safe neighborhood. There are little things that need to be fixed on the inside like little pieces of trim in various places, a new paint job, and the basement needs to be fixed at the bottom of the stairs where a little water got to the wall and carpet so it needs to be replaced. Other than that it is virturally maintainance free.
I'm trying not to get my hopes up but it's so hard not to. I really hope we get it though. I really like the house a lot!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

House hunting and babies

Well this is my first blog. I was driving to work this morning and out of the blue decided I wanted to create a blog. My life is far from interesting but I wanted a blog anyway. It's a good place to express all my thoughts. Maybe not the most private place but it works for my needs.
So Doug and I just started looking at houses this week. The first house we looked at on Monday was a foreclosed home in Union. It looked really nice from the outside from far way so we called our realtor to get a closer look at it. Let me tell you it is not at all what I expected. Upon walking inside I knew right away it is not what I wanted not to mention it was very small with no basement and only one bathroom. We got done looking at the inside and went to look at the outside more. The more we looked the more structural damage we found. Plus they had recently re sided it so we figured they were probably trying to cover up more problems with the house.
So after the first disappointment we decided to look at more houses on Tuesday. The first house we looked at on Tuesday we really liked. It is a split foyer in Union with 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, and a 2 car garage.
It is perfect for our size needs. The kitchen could be a little bigger but other than that it's great. We would have to build a deck onto the back because the guy that owns it now tore it off and was going to build it back on but never got around to it. He has a few other unfinished projects also but he started to fix it up and it is starting to look great. It is a little more than we were wanting to pay so we are going to put an offer on it in a few weeks and see if he accepts. In the meantime we are going to look at other houses just to make sure this is the one we want. Currently there are no other houses in our price range and location that we haven't already looked at.
So enough with the house stuff. We are still kind of trying for a baby. My cycle is a little off because I found out I was pregnant and then lost it. So I don't know if we will be able to conceive this month. The more I think about it though the more I am okay with that. I've kind of been thinking of waiting till about August or when we are moved into a house. All I know is I definitely want a baby sometime in 2009. So we still have a lot of time.
I guess that's all I have to say for now. Updates on the house situation to come....