Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Moving right along!

So not much new to report. Closing is still on track for Tuesday as far as I know. I will call on Friday if no one calls me to find out if everything is good to go. Last night I bought our refrigerator! I'm so excited about it! Nothing too special. Side by side, black, 26 cubic ft. I can't wait to use it. Never thought I'd get so excited about a refrigerator, lol.
I also bought curtains for the living room, and some bathroom stuff. I've decided on colors for most of the rooms. We're doing the master bath green, guest bath brown, bath downstairs maroon, living room green, haven't decided on a color for the master bedroom. I also haven't picked a color for the kitchen yet either.
So I took off Friday and I'm so glad I did. My day filled up fast. I have to take Kitty to the vet early morning for her hair cut. I have a dentist appointment in the morning also. Then that afternoon I have an exam thing for my life insurance. On top of all that I have to find time to pack more stuff. We have accumulated way more stuff than I thought we did. Just when I think I'v made progress in getting most stuff packed away I find more stuff that still needs to be packed. I really don't mind packing, it's the unpacking that I hate! I'm a horrible packer and I don't label the boxes very well and I end up using way more boxes than I need because I don't use all the available space.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

They moved our closing date!!

So our closing date is now September 2nd. I'm so excited! That's only 12 days from today!! Yesterday I called Rainbow to schedule a carpet cleaning. They will be coming out on September 5th to clean. I talked to my mom yesterday also and we've worked out a schedule to paint and move it. Since Doug hates to paint I expect to get ZERO help from him in this department which means I have to rely on my mom for help. So September 2nd after we close we will take one trips worth of boxes over. While we're there we will wipe down the walls and fill in the holes so that it's ready for paint on September 3rd. On the 3rd my dad is coming over to trim the ceiling and trim with paint. We will also take another load of boxes over. On the 4th I will start painting. My mom is either taking off work to help me or she will be coming over after work. Another load of boxes will come over with me that day also. By 8:15 on the 5th I need to be finished painting because Rainbow will be there to clean the carpets. It needs to dry for 24 hours so Saturday morning (6th) we will move in the rest of the stuff (mostly just furniture and any other big stuff). I can't wait to start decorating! I'm so excited to be able to put up curtains. At our apartment we've only ever had just blinds. It's going to be nice to actually have a nice space to decorate and put my personality into. It will be so exciting to actually have a place where people can come over! I think that is one of the things I'm most excited about :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Time for an update.

So we finally got our signed contract back last week Thursday and I sent it to the bank that same day. Now we have to find homeowners insurance and lock in a rate. All the blogs are saying float so we will probably stick with that advice since we are more than 30 days out. I've slowly begun to pack things we don't use. It's a very accomplishing feeling to get things packed and to see the apartment starting to get bare....It feels like the closing date is so far away when in reality it really isn't that far off. We have all our major appliances now except for the refrigerator. We won't buy that until right before we need it. Well tonight we're going to Brian and Kayla's rehearsal! I cannot wait for their wedding! It's going to be so fun. Plus I have an amazingly cute dress and awesome shoes to wear with it! I'm kinda glad I'm not pregnant yet because I get to drink. Originally I thought I would be pregnant and wouldn't be able to drink. So that's good news because Doug plans on drinking a lot and when he drinks a lot he gets REALLY annoying, lol. So when I'm drinking too I don't notice it near as much and I'm usually off doing my own thing. I have another ultrasound today at 4. I'm pretty positive they are going to tell me that the cyst is still there because I can feel it now. I can't feel it all the time but every once in a while it's a very uncomfortable feeling. When my doctor calls with the results I have to remember to ask her if having this cyst in my ovary increases my chances of having an ectopic pregnancy. I really hope not because that would be really disappointing to find out I'm pregnant and then find out they have to terminate the pregnancy :(

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Stupid Wells Fargo!

It's so frustrating working with Wells Fargo! We got our side of the papers signed and we have been waiting on their side for a week now. They finally get around to telling us that now they don't like our pre qualification letter. They want us to get a new one from the bank that states the dollar amount we are offering on the house and the address of the house. Well that's fine no big deal the bank has no problem writing that up but the fact that it took them a week to tell us is what really ticks me off! I'm fairly certain that they are purposely trying to drag the buying process out! I just want this whole thing to be done and over and I want to move in now! I guess in a way it's good that we have so much time. We don't have to buy everything all at once. So far we have bought a couch and love seat, a mattress, a dining room table, the light for the dining room, i committed to buy a washer and dryer and we will hopefully be picking it up on Saturday. Other than that we still have to buy a refrigerator, a fence for the back yard, Rock for the side of the house so Doug doesn't have to park on the street, and various other small things like shower curtains, toilet paper holders, and little shit like that...

Monday, August 4, 2008


This house stuff is starting to get exciting! We just bought a dining room table off Craig's List. I'm very impressed with it and I think we got a great deal. We even got a free queen headboard with it. Sunday I also went over to Ashley Furniture and bought a sofa, love seat, and mattress. Today I was searching Craig's list for a washer and dryer and I found one in St. Clair. So now we have to work out a time to pick that up. I'm going to talk to our realtor and hopefully we can just bring it right over to the new house. That would suck to pick it up from St. Clair, take it to Washington, and then bring it back over to St. Clair in a few weeks. Now the only big thing we have left to buy is a refrigerator. I already know what I want from Lowes. Hopefully they're running a sale between now and before we need it. I would hate to pay full price... I have already started packing up the small things and I have found myself throwing away a lot of things. I'm just so ready to move now! Hopefully we will get the final signed papers back today, tomorrow at the latest. If we don't get them back tomorrow we won't be able to go to the bank until next Tuesday because of all the fair stuff. Doug is going to be working a lot of hours this week and I can't wait for the paycheck!!