Wednesday, August 20, 2008

They moved our closing date!!

So our closing date is now September 2nd. I'm so excited! That's only 12 days from today!! Yesterday I called Rainbow to schedule a carpet cleaning. They will be coming out on September 5th to clean. I talked to my mom yesterday also and we've worked out a schedule to paint and move it. Since Doug hates to paint I expect to get ZERO help from him in this department which means I have to rely on my mom for help. So September 2nd after we close we will take one trips worth of boxes over. While we're there we will wipe down the walls and fill in the holes so that it's ready for paint on September 3rd. On the 3rd my dad is coming over to trim the ceiling and trim with paint. We will also take another load of boxes over. On the 4th I will start painting. My mom is either taking off work to help me or she will be coming over after work. Another load of boxes will come over with me that day also. By 8:15 on the 5th I need to be finished painting because Rainbow will be there to clean the carpets. It needs to dry for 24 hours so Saturday morning (6th) we will move in the rest of the stuff (mostly just furniture and any other big stuff). I can't wait to start decorating! I'm so excited to be able to put up curtains. At our apartment we've only ever had just blinds. It's going to be nice to actually have a nice space to decorate and put my personality into. It will be so exciting to actually have a place where people can come over! I think that is one of the things I'm most excited about :)

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