Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Week 18

Well week 18 has arrived and that puts us 2 weeks away from the big ultrasound! :) I'm so excited and I really hope the baby cooperates and shows us the goods. I would be incredibly disappointed if we walk out of their not knowing what we're having :( . Nothing has really changed. I'm still experiencing the round ligament pain but I don't really think i've gotten any bigger. I've gained about 3 or 4 pounds so far so I guess i'm right on target with that.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Week 17

Well it's week 17 now :)
The baby is as big as a turnip, onion, large pear, or the size of your hand. I think I grew a little bit but not much.

I had to take out my regular belly ring yesterday and switch to my pregnancy one. I hope it lasts though my whole pregnancy. I'm really attached to it and if it closes up I won't get it re pierced.

So the ultrasound is 20 days away! I can't wait to find out if we're having a boy or a girl. I can't wait to finish the registry and to start buying baby stuff and decorating the nursery!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Week 16

Well it's week 16 now. No real changes to mention yet. My belly still looks the same as you can see.
My ultrasound is scheduled for December 10 at 2:15. I am so excited! It will be right at 20 weeks. Now I just pray the baby shows it's goods. I can't imagine waiting all this time and then not even be able to see if the baby is a boy or a girl. One exciting development for the baby this week is the development of bones in it's ears or something like that. What that means is the baby can actually hear voices and sounds now. That's so amazing to think about. Now I can't wait to feel movement!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Week 15

Well it's week 15 now and I have a doctor appointment today. I'm so excited because I get to schedule my next appointment at this one. I can't wait to see when we get to find out the sex. I'm really hoping to get them talked into letting me do it the first week on December but I'll settle on the second week too. I just don't want to wait all the way to 21 weeks. I know it doesn't seem that far away but I was hoping to be able to tell people at little more in advance of Christmas. I'm excited because the UMS craft fair is this weekend. Every year my mom and I go and every year we see the baby blankets that people have made and are selling and I've always wanted one. I'm hoping to find one that is neutral enough since we don't know the sex yet (even though I sear it's a boy). This will officially be my first baby purchase! Well my belly looks pretty much the same as it did at 13 and 14 weeks. Today at the doctor's office they are measuring it?! Whatever that means.