Monday, June 27, 2011

9 Months

Wow, its hard to believe my little guy is 9 months old already! That means in just 3 short months he will be ONE! It's so fun to see him learn new thing every day. He's crawling around everywhere and pulling up on everything. He doesn't seem to have the desire to walk yet. You try to get him to stand while holding onto your hands and he has no interest. He's about a month behind Isabella's milestones so I originally assumed he would be walking around ten months (thats already the end of July). Now i'm not so sure. I guess we'll see :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Finally sleeping in his crib?!

So after a week of working with Caleb trying to get him to sleep in his crib I think he finally caught on last night...i hope so anyway! I'm tired of waking up EVERY hour to soothe him back to sleep. It was so much easier with Isabella. She started sleeping in her crib around 3 months. She also had her own room and we utilized cry it out a bit. With Caleb i'm afraid to let him cry too much in fear that he will wake up Isabella and then i'll have two kids to soothe back to sleep. Last night was a good sleep night for Isabella and she didn't whine or cry when we put her to bed and she slept soundly all night so I was finally able to let Caleb cry it out a bit. Seemed to have worked. I put him down around 8pm. He woke up around 10/10:30. I was able to rock him until he was drowsy and lay him back down. Then around 12:30 he woke up for his night bottle (i'm trying to eliminate this but one challenge at a time). Went back to sleep after that and slept until 4am, when I have to get up for work. He acted like he wanted to be up for the day so I let him lay in our bed and play for a bit until he got fussy. He ended up falling asleep in the swing until it was time to head to the babysitter. Praying for another good night tonight!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

5 months already!

I can't believe Caleb is 5 months old already! He's growing so fast! At his 4 month check up (2 weeks ago) he was 18.1 lb and 26 in long :)