Thursday, October 30, 2008

Week 14

So week 14. No real changes. Belly may have gotten slightly bigger. I forgot to take the picture yesterday so I will take it tonight. I'm anxiously awaiting my appointment next week because I'll get to schedule the big ultrasound. I'm hoping to talk my doctor into letting me do it at 19weeks rather than at 21 when he usually does it. At 21 weeks it will be a week before Christmas and I would love to find out the first week in December so we shall see. In other news yesterday was Doug's birthday. Didn't do anything special. Tonight I'm bringing home White Castle though! I'm so excited!! I've been craving this for a long time now. His birthday just gives me an reason to stop, lol.
So I love the bump. I'm on there all day. I love all the info and advice I can pick up from there. The newest thing I learned about was vinyl wall quotes. If I can talk Doug into it I really want this one If anyone is interested the website is

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week 13

Well it's week 13 and i'm feeling pretty good. They say the second trimester is the easiest so i'm looking forward to feeling good and having more energy for a while. So I searched online yesterday for crib bedding and found both boy and girl crib bedding. If it's a boy it will be farm decor.

And if it's a girl the decor will be pink, green, and yellow.

And last but not least the 13 week belly picture.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Week 12

Well it's week twelve now and Baby Compton is the size of a plum this week :) I've been taking weekly pictures of my belly since 9 weeks to send my mom. I took the 12 week picture yesterday and man do I look big! I guess it's a combo of bloat and my belly actually growing.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Week 11

Well It's week 11 now and no big changes yet. The ultrasound went good. We saw the baby and heard the heart beat :) The baby was right on track measuring 10 weeks 1 day with no change in the due date which is still April 29th. The next appointment is November 6th. The December appointment is when we get to find out the sex :) I can't wait! Well tomorrow is my birthday and we're having a house warming party. I get to spend my day off cleaning! What fun! There is a ton of cleaning that needs to be done because I haven't really done a deep clean since we moved it. It's pretty gross cleaning up someone elses mess! But it will be worth it. I'm so excited to show off our new house and have fun with our friends. It's a nice feeling to be able to have ppl over. When we lived in the apartment I was ashamed to have ppl over because of the pet smell and how the house itself looked on the outside.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

10 Weeks!

Well today is the beginning of week 10!! Tomorrow is the first ultrasound and Doug and I are so excited. I think i'm most excited for him to get to see the baby. I've had this little life growing inside me and had the joy of experiencing everything. The pregnancy is really starting to feel real to me but I don't think Doug is to that point yet. Hopefully seeing this little life growing inside of me will help him get more excited about it all.