Monday, June 30, 2008

House hunting, the weekend, and babies

So I'm beginning to wonder if we are ever going to find a house! It is so frustrating looking and not finding anything. I guess we really haven't been looking for that long but it seems like an eternity already. The market has been kinda slow lately and not much has came on the market in our price range. I've been getting desperate and started to look in St. Clair. We have looked at a few in St. Clair but we haven't seen anything great that we would be willing to move to St. Clair for. One came on the market today in Villa Ridge but it only have 1 bathroom :(. We will still probably look at it though. Maybe it has the rough in downstairs for another...We will see. So this weekend was okay. Friday we went to Jacob's and watched the boys play a game they made up. They call it beer ball and it involves hitting skunk beer and filled plastic bottles with baseball bats and golf clubs...We didn't end up getting to bed until 5am because Robbie rolled his truck and Doug and the rest of the boys had to go pull him out. So it ended up being a fairly eventful night....Sucks for Robbie that he rolled his truck though... Well i'm still trying to get pregnant. Right now it's kind of a shot in the dark because I have no idea when I ovulate because of the messed up period and having 3 periods in 1 month. So if I haven't had a period by the middle of July i will test again and we will see!!

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